Hayward Chamber Endorses Salinas for Mayor

Hayward City Council Member Mark Salinas has been endorsed for mayor, and planning commissioners Julie Roche and Dan Goldstein will be backed for city council seats as the result of deliberations by Good Government Now, the political action committee of the Hayward Chamber of Commerce.

The election will be held in November, but members of the committee of chamber business leaders said it was important to register its support now for individuals who understand that a community's growth comes from its economic development and an improved engagement between city hall and business.

The group began interviewing candidates last fall to be able to go in-depth in understanding their knowledge of the community at-large as well as the businesses that provide the principal tax base for development of elements such as schools and infrastructure, according to Jorge Espinosa, local restaurateur and chair of Good Government Now.

"Our support was considered carefully and with an understanding that these candidates will include the business community in decisions that affect economic growth," Espinosa said.

The group spent time with each of the candidates to be assured of their commitment to engage with the business community beyond what has been expected in the past, and that they would encourage city staff to follow that lead.

Mark Salinas was first elected to the city council in 2010 and re-elected in 2016 and 2020. He is a community engagement specialist for Cal State East Bay's Hayward Promise Neighborhood Program and an ethnic studies and history instructor at Chabot College.

He is on the board of directors for the Friends of Chabot College and St. Rose Hospital Foundation and serves as director of the Kids Breakfast Club. He is also active in the chamber's Latino Business Roundtable and is a member of the Hayward Rotary Club.

His campaign website is Mark Salinas for Mayor of Hayward.

Good Government Now is the political action committee of the Hayward Chamber of Commerce and is comprised of business and community leaders, organized under Fair Political Practices Commission designation #972023. It held an initial fundraiser to announce its endorsements on May 12 and will continue to promote its endorsed candidates throughout the 2022 campaign.

The organization may address additional candidates and issues in upcoming months. To contribute, donations can be made to "Good Government Now" and sent to the Hayward Chamber of Commerce, 22561 Main St., Hayward, 94541.